Green Unicorn

Does the Grooming Gang Report Really Exist?

Green UnicornI’m beginning to think there’s a unicorn hiding at the heart of Whitehall.

Call it a conspiracy theory, but there’s something deeply troubling about the Home Office’s response to the petition to release the grooming gang report. Actually there are many troubling things, but there’s something about the whole affair that’s starting to make me very uneasy. In fact, this parade of shadows and ghosts has forced me to ask a fundamental question.

Does this fabled grooming gang report actually exist?

Has anyone at the Home Office actually carried out the research and compiled this mythical report that nobody outside the Home Office has ever seen? What reliable evidence do we have to prove the existence of this legendary tome?

Except for the word of some senior civil servants there is none. Plus the non-existence of this report would explain why, having never created it, the Home Office can’t ever allow anyone to see it. It would also explain why a single word of it has never leaked, despite the intense media and public interest. The Sunday broadsheets and the tabloids have a long reach and deep pockets, yet none of them have produced a shred of evidence to confirm that the grooming gang report was ever written in the first place. Forget about the report itself; there are no emails quoting from it, no minutes of meetings and not even a credible source confirming they’ve read it.


Does the Grooming Gang Report Really Exist? Read More